Archive of Digital Art - ADA
Als Pionier dokumentiert das ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART seit 1999 das sich schnell entwickelnde Feld der digitalen Kunst - Datenmodell, Datensammlung

As a pioneer in the field of Media Arts research, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART has documented the rapidly evolving field of digital art since 1999. This research-oriented overview of works at the intersection of art, science, and technology has been developed in cooperation with international media artists, researchers and institutions as a collective project.
Since todays digital artworks are processual, ephemeral, interactive, multimedia-based, and fundamentally context dependent because of their different structure, they require a modified, or "expanded concept of documentation." We ascribe high importance to artistic inventions like innovative interfaces, displays or software. The Archive of Digital Art (ADA) is the pioneering archive in the field of Media Art and its histories, founded by Prof. Oliver Grau in 1999 archival project to document the aesthetics, subject as well as technology of Media Art. ADA est. 50.000 individual objects of cultural includes hundreds of artists and scholars, more than 4.000 bibliographic entries, and approx. 1.500 institution listings.
Today, ADA continues its mission as a “living archive” for Community Science, representing user-generated content from Members from across the globe through Social Web 2.0 and Semantic Web 3.0 features. ADA is the longest-running and most-comprehensive database available on Media Art. As concerted and sustained documentation strategy in the field, ADA affords a clear and present opportunity: its data is robust, accrued through Open Community Science. ADA is directed by an international Board.
Beteiligte Personen
Gründung und Leitung | Univ.-Prof. aD. Dr. habil. Oliver Grau |
Beteiligte wiss. MitarbeiterInnen und ca. 50 PraktikantInnen - Auswahl | Carl Philipp Hoffmann, Carla Milena Zamora Campos, M.A., Alejandro Quiñones Roa, B.A., Isabella Iskra, Mag. Laura Ettel, Alexander Wöran, M.A., Max Resch, BSc., Michael Perl, M.A., Dr. Viola Rühse, Dr. Christian Berndt, Wendy Coones, M.Ed., Dipl. Ing. Lars Möller, Prof. Joel Baumann, Mag.a Valerie Kummer, Mag. Sebastian Haller, Michaela Seiser... |
Links und Publikationen
beteiligte Personen
Univ.-Prof. aD Dr. habil. Oliver Grau
Gründer, Projektleiter
Digital Humanities
Kunstgeschichte der Gegenwart, Europa, Bild und Bildwerk, 3. Jahrtausend, Medienwissenschaften, Media Studies, Medienkunst, Virtuelle Kunst, Digitale Kunst, Bildwissenschaft, Digital Humanities, Kunstgeschichte