ACDH-CH & (virtuelle Kooperationsveranstaltung)

ACDH-CH Lecture Series 7.4


Mi., 15. Dezember 2021, 16:00: virtuell

Assessing Visual Similarity: from Crowdsourced Taggings to Al-based Recommender Systems

Hubertus Kohle & Stefanie Schneider (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

The ACDH-CH Lecture 7.4 in cooperation with DArtHist Austria focusses on art history. Arthistorical recognition processes are motivated by descriptions of similarities: in Heinrich Wölfflin’s case, these are conducted through form analysis, in Aby Warburg’s from the perspective of the iconologist researching cultural studies. Wölfflin visualized similarities and differences in his “Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe” on a double page with comparative examples, categorized in five binary opposites. Warburg designed his picture atlas plates in groups with similarity-related connections.

This lecture focuses on two computationally driven projects for evaluating similarities between art works, both developed at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in recent years: the “ARTigo” gaming ecosystem, which consists of different types of crowdsourcing games that aim to collect rich annotations, and “iART”, an AI-fueled search engine that directly addresses image data.

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